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Do you or your team...
  • Operate in a fast-paced dynamic culture where it can be challenging to maintain focus? 

  • Have ambitious goals and want to give yourselves the best chance of hitting them

  • Worry that 'signing up' to your goals might not be enough to meet them?   

  • Realise that in the past your energy for meeting your goals has sometimes waned over time? 

  • Find it time-consuming and tiring to keep track of your progress and to report it to others?


If the answer to any of these for you or your team is yes, this service could help you create real change with less pain. 

New Service!

Shift your goal-setting up a gear

Create real change with less pain
From goal setting to change-making

This service is particularly useful for leadership teams in high-performance cultures with a big change-agenda.




For many of us, goal setting can feel quite formulaic and detached from the rest of our lives - like a chore, especially when it’s part of a PDP.  When we’re immersed in the language of KPIs, objectives, success metrics and targets, we forget what a goal really is: 


a statement of human intention to change something


The intention that sits behind our goals is what fuels the energy, positivity, resilience, and tenacity that it takes to achieve them. If we skip over or fail to create our personal intention, we hugely reduce our chances of success. Even someone else cracking a whip over us won’t generate results. 


This is why many people set goals but fail to meet them.


Without a personal intention to reach our goal, we can’t draw on all the insight and personal motivation we need to get from A to B. 


If we’re in a leadership position, a huge part of our role is about creating change. As human change-makers, our goals are even more likely to be stretching, because by definition as leaders we have to go first. 


To overcome those challenges, we need a strong personal motivation to draw on when obstacles get in our way, so we don’t lose hope, belief, or energy to push through the barriers we encounter. 


The more thoroughly we set our goals, (or human intentions), the more likely we are to reach them and deliver the results we want. 


How it works:
a powerful 2-step process

Targeted support to create real change with less pain, this focused and rapid 2-step process helps you increase your power and effectiveness in creating change. Working at the human level, it allows you and your team to step back from the day-to-day and crystallise your goals to feel comfortable, confident, and motivated to achieve them.


A guided interactive 1 hour team session over zoom to set the intention and context. We'll explore how a goal works and the role goal setting plays for humans.


Personalised deep-dive goal-setting session with each team member. Sessions are virtual and take between 90 – 120 minutes. 

In your personalised goal-setting session we will:


  • Visualise achieving your goal to really bring to life 

  • Explore why it matters to you to achieve it and what difference it will really make to your life, your business, and the impact you make day-to-day

  • Sense-check the format of the goal so that you are confident it meets SMART criteria and are setting yourself up for success

  • Identify what you might need to do differently to reach it and where you will start

  • Horizon-scan, mapping any obstacles you may come across ahead of time to give you the best chance of being prepared when hiccups happen, enabling you remain calm when the inevitable obstacles do arise 

  • Create a support plan of resources available to you so the stretch your goal requires doesn’t compromise your day-to-day deliverables and wellbeing

  • Establish methods by which you can hold yourself to account and manage your progress, where appropriate looking at options of how to report back and keep stakeholders up to date so you are on the front foot and maintaining a sense of confidence and control

  • Set reward mechanisms that work for you to maintain your energy levels and focus as you work towards your goal

Waiting Room

Deeper connection & commitment​​

Higher energy levels

Enhanced focus

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More clarity

Reduced slippage

Improved responsiveness

Waiting Room

More resilience

Stronger sense of pride & confidence

Better chances of success


For a human-to-human chat, 
more information and options

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